Microsoft Leaked the Battlefield 4 Release Date? | News Popular 2013
Hey there, I have News about Microsoft Leaked the Battlefield 4 Release Date? | News Popular 2013. Are you sure? Check it out :)
Do you belong to so look forward to welcoming gamers Battlefield 4? After the success of the third series that lasted less than two years through a series of lucrative DLC support from EA and DICE, visualization is unlikely to be the only main selling Battlefield 4. Powered by the Frostbite Engine 3.0 is more detailed and massive, EA does save a lot of plans for this new series, including the rumor multiplayer maps that will be able to load the battle 64 VS 64. Apart from a series of screenshots and the debut trailer that makes a lot of gamers love lover military shooter, DICE is not yet revealing the mysteries of Battlefield 4 fully, including the release date to be his stretcher. But for this one affair, gamers seem to have to thank Microsoft.

Official Microsoft Blog - inadvertently banyaik spawn more details about Battlefield 4 release time than simply writing "Autumn" on it. Although it has been withdrawn, but some overseas gaming sites had already been capturing information on this one. Microsoft wrote that Battlefield 4 will be released on October 29, 2013 for the Xbox 360. This seems to indicate an earlier release date for the current generation consoles, considering EA has also confirmed the presence of Battlefield 4 for next-gen consoles that will be released at the end of the year holiday season 2013. Is the release date will also apply to PC? There is not any confirmation from EA or DICE mouth.
With that makes multiplayer games as a major selling point that can not be contested, the release date is still a few months go of course be the best opportunity to collect extra money and try out Battlefield 4 original for a more maximal. Prepare yourself for the October war, then!
Get yourself ready for October!
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Microsoft Leaked the Battlefield 4 Release Date? | News Popular 2013
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