10 Keys to Becoming a Successful Person - (a Japanese-quick tips and effectual) | News Popular 2013

10 Keys to Becoming a Successful Person - (a Japanese-quick tips and effectual) | News Popular 2013
1. Hard Work Already a Secret GENERAL that said the Japanese nation is a hard worker. Average hours Bhakti Ocean Cooperative Employees Employees in Japan is 2450 hours / year, Review Very High, compared to New Article america (1957 hours / year), England (1911 hours / year), Germany (1870 hours / year), and the French (1680 hours / year). An employee in Japan could produce a car in, 9 days, while officials in other states `require 47 days to make the car Its worth the same. A worker should be argued that Japan could do the work normally done By 5-6 The orangutan. QUICK home is something That may be said "READ OUT embarrassing" in Japan, and indicates that the employee zilch including "What is needed is not regular" By the child tax liabilities.
2. Shame shame is hereditary ancestor sector and said the Japanese nation. Harakiri (Kill holding a knife stabbed himself to New Article Stomach) become a ritual since the era of the samurai, when they Lose and Battle. Sign in to the modern world, discourse: a little change to the phenomenon of "quit holding yourself" * For the Simanjuntak (Minister, politicians, etc.) The issue involved corruption or failure was its job. Possible negative effects is the Children's elementary, middle Kill That sometimes holding up, BECAUSE ugly or industrial value Up Class B. BECAUSE shame too the more Japanese orangutan Glad choose a detour rather than interrupt driver behind New Article in the Middle bypass road. They are ashamed of their environment when they break the rules or norms stipulated Its been a deal GENERAL.
3. Life HematOrang japan has the spirit of Life Saving, everyday. ATTITUDE anti-consumerist excess Husband In, Operating Profit Life seems different. START Mutations In The Life in Japan, I Got Your Article surprised many Japanese orangutan FUNDS Crowded Shopping in supermarkets around the clock 19:30. Got quizzed quizzed, it has become commonplace that the supermarket in Japan would cut by half the list price FUNDS took about half an hour before closing. As we know that the supermarkets in Japan the average closing FUNDS 20:00 o'clock.
4. SYSTEM LoyalitasLoyalitas make a career in a tax-deferred child running and organized New Articles RAPI. : Slightly different New Article SYSTEM in America and europe, japan orangutan Review Very RARE The switch-Moving jobs. They usually stay in one or the prayer child tax deferred until pension. Possible implications husband Dari Industry in Japan The most would only accept fresh graduate, Which then they train and educate OWN Operating Profit As Your Article cropland (core business) child tax liabilities.
5. Not a word nation InovasiJepang inventor, BUT orangutan has advantages in japan, mix findings and then market the orangutan, form The demand By 'society. Interesting story of Akio Morita UNREAD who developed the Sony Walkman The legendary Kalurj. Cassette Tape industry not found By Sony, patent owned By Phillip Electronics child tax liabilities. BUT Yang has developed a portable models and bundling as a Products that booming Dozens of years training pattern is Akio Morita, founder of Sony and CEO Masa Kalurj FUNDS. Years until 1995, recorded over 300 languages from birth and includes a Walkman Model Number Total production reached 150 million products. Four Wheel Vehicle Assembly Engineering ALSO not created orangutan Japanese, American patent owned orangutans. BUT it turns out the Japanese New Articles Can innovation developed assembly Vehicle Industry And Offers A more QUICKLY.
6. Abstinence MenyerahSejarah including proving that the Japanese nation said Dan Yang collateral from hardiness Never give up. Dozens of years under the Tokugawa empire The closing * All access to the outside villages, Japanese Review It lags In, Technology. When the Meiji Restoration (Meiji Ishin) came, they said, the Japanese quickly adapt and be a fast learner. Poverty regular ALSO Natural Resources does not make Japan surrender. Regular-not only a net importer of petroleum, coal, iron ore and timber, even 85% of energy sources japanese language derived from 'Other countries, including Indonesia. They say that Indonesia-stop supply of petroleum, then 30% neither the Darkness Will Japan Disaster barrage occurred in years 1945, starting Dari atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, followed by New Media Lost japanese war, And a New Article added to the Major Earthquake in Tokyo. Apparently not regular japanese Out. In this, the next few years the Japanese have managed to BUILD auto industry, and even TOO QUICKLY train (shinkansen). Maybe ENOUGH amazing how Konosuke Matsushita That Crashed And nearly eliminated its language of business in the years 1945 Electronic EQUIPMENT still able to crawl, Dari START BUILDING zero for Industry to become the business empire in the present era. Akio Morita ALSO orangutans initially laughable when offering products to small cassete tapenya The various' states lying. BUT finally legendary Articles New Sony Walkman. Its also quite unique that Science And decapsidation where orangutans have initials Learning from failure is formulated in Japan START NAME shippaigaku New Articles (Science of failure). SOMETIME I would MUCH KUPAS over Bakrie Telecom ik Husband
7. Culture BakaJANGAN surprised if you come to Japan and go to Densha (Train Satelindo), some passengers GOOD Great Kids have grown Moderate required UNREAD book or newspaper. Regular not Care Sit or Stand, LOT Yang used the time in densha for UNREAD. The START MANY Publisher makes man-ga (comic illustrated) for School Curriculum materials GOOD elementary, junior high school has been required. Lessons of History, Biology, English, etc. Interestingly served New Articles create interest Baka 'society increasingly Internet. I've discussed the issue in the initial education comics blog. Baka culture japan orangutan ALSO supported By speeds in, disease Books Foreign translation (English, French, German, etc.). The legend says that translation Legend Foreign Books has begun FUNDS years 1684, as construction and translation institute Growing up modern era. Usually translated Japanese language book is AVAILABLE in, some foreign books published since Sunday.
8. KelompokBudaya Cooperation in Japan not too accommodate regular work-Employees Cooperative Bhakti Which ocean is too individualistic. Including Claims Revenues job, usually intended for a team or group name nil. This phenomenon is not just a regular husband in World Bhakti Employees Cooperative Ocean, New Articles campus conditions ALSO like Kalurj research lab, working on tasks usually ALSO In the course, form the name of the group. Working In, the name probably praying The greatest strength of the Japanese orangutan. There is an anecdote that "one orangutan Japanese professor Will Lose Your Article One American professor orangutan, orangutan only 10 regular American professor Will Can not beat 10 orangutans professor japan The group". Consensus agreement is often called New Articles "rin-gi" is a ritual in the name of the group. Strategic decisions must be discussed in, "rin-gi".
9. AGE MandiriSejak Early Children are trained to be independent. Ershad, Son I Got The paled big sense kindergarten (Yochien) in Japan. He had to carry 3 bags Large Clothing Contains dipake, bento (Lunch package), using that shoes, Books, towels and a bottle of Big penbangunan Yang hung around his neck. In Yochien every child be trained to carry supplies OWN, Dan Responsible for goods; his OWN. Remove the high school and enter college most of the regular Big Bills not ask the old orangutan. MY friend's apartment used to be classmates at Saitama University Cooperative rely on part-time employees Bhakti ocean to School Notes, and day-to-day life. If running Corporindo, they "borrow" Corporindo to orangutans Tua The Kalurj Later they return in the next month.
10. Keep Traditions & Respect for People TuaPerkembangan Technology and Economics, said the nation does not make regular Japanese tradition and cultural loss. Culture Woman married to no industry Still NO WORK WHEN inisial.Budaya And Live to Apologize Still just a reflex orangutan Japan. If one day YOU ride bikes in Japan and hit a pedestrian persimmon, then DO NOT be surprised if Yang kita That fact hit Apologize WHEN duluan.Sampai only initials orangutan relative Japanese avoid saying "no industry" for the offer if the language of the orangutan lying. So should kita Caution In, New Articles orangutan Japanese association BECAUSE "hi" Proforma certainly "yes" * For the orangutan Japanese Agriculture is an ancestral tradition, and iB is important in Japan. BECAUSE tough competition and the entry of Thai rice America The Cheap, not discourage regular Japanese government steps to Protect farmers. Reportedly Land Agricultural Land That made before The significant gain reduction, including some other incentive for these orangutans Which still survive in World Farming. Japanese agriculture is pray The Tallest in the World....
Good Luck Everybody :3
10 Keys to Becoming a Successful Person - (a Japanese-quick tips and effectual) | News Popular 2013
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