Review Counter Strike Portable - Android: Potential But Not Perfect | Game 2013

Of all the operating systems currently available, Google's Android is the most interesting to be excellent at this time. In addition to offering a more optimal functionality with updates that present consistently, Android also must be recognized to be the best operating system for gaming. Why? By carrying out the policy as an open operating system, Google provides an opportunity for any developers worldwide to build a multimedia content for him. Developers who have got potential but hindered various technical problems are now facilitated and were able to prove themselves to the world. All the crazy idea was eventually manifested in the form of a game. The result? Surprise! Android was the arrival of incredible games like Counter Strike Portable.Not Official Valve
Counter-Strike in the clutch!!

Where gamers who do not know the name of Counter-Strike (CS) before? Phenomenal game mod of Half-Life series is admittedly one of the most phenomenal FPS games in the past decade. Competitive game system and setting armed conflicts in modern times to enchant millions of gamers around the world. Valve again proved itself as one of the best developers in the gaming industry through this one game. Now, almost more than ten years since its birth in the PC, Counter-Strike "born again". Believe it or not, this time for the Android operating system.
Take title Counter-Strike Portable, do not immediately assume that the mobile version of the official birth of Valve. Counter-Strike Portable is a "project" is born from the hands of independent developers: FrIuNs as a fan-base game for Android. This game is not a port of the PC version, but rather a separate game that worked from the start. CS Portable using the Unity 3D engine to make use of the resource code of Counter Strike.Still Simple, But Potential
What would you most like to hear Counter Strike Portable? You would want a PC Counter-Strike experience the same, but the screen is smaller portable devices. Unfortunately, CS Portable is still far from being able to realize the dream. Although it comes with a similar shape, especially in terms of maps and visualizations in general, CS Portable still appear very simple. Myriad of standard features and menus Counter-Strike is still not able to be presented here.
While there is no option to use a weapon other than AK 47Presents a simple interface is the best decision

There are many crucial things are missing in CS Portable. Although the mechanisms are offered the same gameplay, CS Portable still has a lot of "difference" is fundamental to the CS as we know it. There are several actions that can still be done as: buy guns, looked down, and replace the secondary weapon to weapon. All new players who join will be immediately provided with a AK-47 with a bullet number 999. Battle takes place with a similar sensation, where each weapon comes with "nature" recoilnya unique. Spew bullets one at a time and accurately remains the best option.
Of several rounds that followed, as a game that is more focused on online games, CS Portable counted stable. Served by each server capable of running quite well without significant problems. Simple user-interface will also provide information about available servers, the number of players, and the kind of maps are provided. Folder like de_dust 2've managed pretty well built. Refinement process is still running to another folder like the Mansion is sometimes still allow you to walk through the doors and solid objects.
Mansion is still buggy

Sensation Play Counter-Strike on Mobile Devices?

There is a system of "auto-aim" to help maintain the location of crosshairCS Portable also provides third person modeFor those of you who do not have other option than to survive with its touch-screen mechanism, not to worry. The developer is also quite "wise" to embed additional features to support the game more enjoyable.
CS Unlike the PC version, you will be provided the ability to Auto-Aim to help maintain the successful location of the crosshair when targeting an enemy. This feature alone can be set in accordance with the wishes of gamers. Not only the auto-aim, FrIuNs also presents "Third-Person Shooter" mode for gamers who are not comfortable with small screen FPS which is easy to cause headaches. The disadvantage? This mode will make it difficult to target enemies properly.
Although it is quite difficult to count, but that does not mean you can not enjoy Counter-Strike Portable comfortably. His battle rhythm starting slower so you always have time to adjust shooting or dodging bullets. Moreover, as an online game which includes human players, it is also possible that other gamers will feel the same trouble with you. Of several rounds of the game, you will find other gamers who have movement and aimed the more awkward and absurd than you do. So chill out, grab a weapon, point, shoot, and enjoy.

Counter-Strike Portable on Android it should be counted as admirable achievement. Why? Not only because the developer was able to prove himself to produce a game that is quite similar to CS, but also because Android has once again proved extraordinary possibilities that can arise from an open operating system. Counter-Strike Portable would be a good start to attract other small developers to take bold action and the same extreme.
In terms of the game itself, CS Portable has managed to bring the "taste" Counter-Strike, while still insipid. As well as cooking, slowly but surely, a sense taking shape to be achieved through a strong pungent aroma potential. In the meantime, the visualization is still a core value that makes CS CS Portable is similar to the PC version. But for the future, with a commitment to continue to develop, it is possible CS Portable will come with functionality, gameplay, and the experience of playing the same. Only a matter of time.
Deserved or not it was downloaded games? There are many extra reason to give an answer "Yes" to this question. First, CS Portable is distributed for free, no charge. Second, the developer itself has developed different versions depending on the capabilities of Android devices you have. Third, he will be able to be a portable game suitable to spend free time, to a record you have a mobile connection is sufficient. Fourth, the game itself will still continue to be refined in the future. The bottom line? Totally worth it!
Let's Get and Play It, Enjoy :)
Review Counter Strike Portable - Android: Potential But Not Perfect | Game 2013
Wow , that's Awesome app but i didn't installed yet xD
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Why? you must tried, it's best game in android, in my opinion :D
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