Review Game Fight: Duke Nukem Forever VS Aliens Colonial Marines – Battle of The Worst! | Game 2013
You know Duke Nukem Forever? Aliens Colonial Marines? let's we compare check this GameFight: Duke Nukem Forever VS Aliens Colonial Marines – Battle of The Worst! | GAME 2013

Unfortunately, the ranks of the super cool games should be harmed by the presence of a title that has been long anticipated but disappointing finish. Waiting for years it spawned a biggest blunder earlier this year. An ambitious project Gearbox and SEGA be disastrous and destroy the dream to enjoy this in 2013 without having to deal with a huge disappointment. Absolutely, we are talking about Aliens - Colonial Marines.Doomed from the visual side, dramatization, until AI is carried, this is not the first time Gearbox made the same mistake. Curses and blasphemies developers also slid forward to this one after the release of Duke Nukem Forever has been named as one of the worst games in 2011 ago.
As if not to learn from mistakes, Gearbox fall into the same hole, releasing a game that does not even look finished and ready to be released commercially. fortunatelly nightmare will distrust of gamers is quite relieved by the quality of Borderlands 2, which still manages to look stunning, at least offer a much better experience.
The similarity of concepts, errors, and disasters caused by these two titles is what finally pushed JagatPlay to launch GameFight to compare the two. But unlike the long GameFight is designed to look for where the game works best performing, GameFight will discuss who actually perform worse. Comparing all the standard elements of the offer, the games look worse to get a point. The higher the point gained, the worse the game is also being played this.So, which games are appropriate for the title as "the worst" in the Duke Nukem Forever and Aliens: Colonial Marines is? Let the fight begins ..Plot
Being an official sequel of the Hollywood movie franchise that has grown so large, Aliens: Colonial Marines is a myriad of potential to perform successfully in the plot. He just needs to formulate a story that will attract Aliens base that is already accounted for the massive support of existing sales. But the result? Battle of the USS Sulaco is actually appear so flat, without success to establish the atmosphere of fear that the Marines should include life every time to meet with the Xenomorph's. While on the other hand, low expectations for the Duke Nukem Forever plots appear indifferent would make this game look better. The battle against the aliens of various sizes with sexy women who accompany, Duke Nukem Forever is still one level above the Aliens: Colonial Marines, at least regarding its ability to retain existing identity. Aliens are entitled to a point because it look worseDuke Nukem Forever

Undergoing the process of development for many years, does not guarantee that a game will come with a charming level of visualization. Aliens Colonial Marines and Duke Nukem Forever are both a proof of this. How does a game that is built with several experienced delays the process actually ends up being a game with visuals that were below the standard that other competitors, far below standard. Present without the detail and texture of the poor, both Duke Nukem Forever and Aliens Colonial Marines is every gamer has the potential to make a play to experience acute eye pain. But Aliens Colonial Marines may be somewhat superior to a little over Duke Nukem Forever. Some details such as the play of light and animated motion is comparatively more alive making it perform better. Duke Nukem Forever eligible for points in the fight this time

Brought together a FPS genre, equally unable to offer the right game atmosphere, and equally unable to create a dramatization that is enough to make gamers adrenaline pumping. Both of these games were indeed substandard FPS games are scattered in the gaming industry. However, Duke Nukem Forever may be spelled slightly superior. Why? In addition to the opportunity to fight large bosses and enemies that are difficult variant, you will also be dealing with a variant of the gameplay that makes you regardless of FPS though impressed repetitive routines. While on the other hand, Aliens Colonial Marines is not even able to perform his duties as an FPS game that deserves to be released. AI destroyed, glitch-strewn everywhere, the standard gameplay without adequate dramatization, Aliens Colonial Marines is more visible as the title game was forced to be released. He appeared worse.
Character Design

Trauma obtained from poor visual quality may still be remedied if a game capable of carrying the character designs still unaccounted content, something that even failed to do its own Duke Nukem Forever. In addition to its main character design alone, almost all supporting character design looks seem a doll who is forced to move in a super stiff animation. Aliens: Colonial Marines themselves did not deserve to be praised for the affairs of this one. But at least, the design of any Marines or some of the iconic characters that live in the Aliens franchise is still considered adequate, at least he moves and speaks in a tone more lively. For this one element, Duke Nukem deserves to gain extra points.
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Review Game Fight: Duke Nukem Forever VS Aliens Colonial Marines – Battle of The Worst! | Game 2013
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